Our user-friendly website allows you to order up to the maximum number of availability cases mentioned on the product page. For any orders larger than the mentioned quantity, we request you to contact us at info@instockpack.com, and one our representatives will get in touch with you shortly to help you process your order.
All orders are generally processed for shipment in 2 business days. However, in some cases it may take a few days to process your order. You can track the status of your order with the tracking number that will be provided to you at the time of purchase. For more information on our shipment and delivery please refer toterms of service page.
We have different shipping options provided through FedEx – Ground Delivery, Express Saver, FedEx Two Day Delivery and FedEx Standard Overnight delivery. Customers can choose from any of these services to best serve their needs.
After your purchase, you will receive an order confirmation email from us. Once your order is ready for shipment, we will send you a dispatch confirmation email. After the dispatch of your order, FedEx will email you the tracking number for your order. You can track the status of your order with the FedEx tracking number provided to you on FedEx website.
Your shipping cost is based on the weight, dimensions, and the destination of your order. You will be given an estimated shipping cost at the time of checkout.
Our team works hard to process your order for shipment within 48 hours of purchase, depending on the shipment option chosen by you. Transit times can take anywhere between one to seven business days.
At Instockpack we do everything to ensure you have a hassle free and seamless experience. For your convenience, we have different shipment options available that you can choose from. We do not provide any warehouse pick up option for now.
To cancel your order, please contact info@instockpack.com immediately. You can cancel your shipment for a full refund minus a 10% restocking fee before the shipment has processed. For more details on returns and refund information, please read our Cancellations and Returns section in our Terms of Service & Use.
To return orders please contact info@instockpack.com within 15 days from the date of purchase. Only eligible orders will be awarded a full refund minus a restocking fee. For more details on returns and refund information, please read our Cancellations and Returns section in our Terms of Service & Use.
To ensure timely and accurate delivery, we only ship through Instockpack selected carriers. Please refer to shipping policy listed in the Terms of Service & Use for more information.
Instockpack enables our customers to place orders from any part of the world, however, currently our shipping facilities are only available to deliver within USA.
You will receive an email with invoice and bill of lading shortly after placing their order. For convenience purposes, you will also have an option to download a PDF format of the invoice and bill of lading from the website checkout page after the purchase.
As a Dallas, Texas-based business we are obliged to collect taxes for sales of Products in states where we are required to collect it. Any sales tax charged will be indicated during the checkout process. If you live in a US state with sales or use tax and we do not collect sales tax, you are responsible for any applicable use taxes. We do not have the ability to honor tax-exempt entities at the time of order. For more details, please visit our Terms of Service & Use page.
All the products on the website are sold “as is”. For your convenience, we offer sample kits of our products at reduced costs. You can buy the sample kit to test your product’s compatibility and to ensure that it fits your needs. You will be solely responsible for testing goods and products with each applicable product or container before placing any final orders in large quantities. For more details on product compatibility, please refer the “selection of product” section in Terms of Service & Use page.
Our carefully-chosen portfolio offers you a host of packaging options with a 100% focus on the cosmetics industry. All of our packaging is made to the highest specifications, in common industry colors. We continually track the market and update our offer to ensure you have access to the latest and best products. For more details please check our catalog.
All product details are listed on the respective product pages. For convenience purposes, we also have a downloadable PDF sheet attached on respective products pages.
We are always expanding our products. To check for currently available products please refer to thecatalog. You can stay up-to-date with our new products and launches by subscribing to our newsletter using the form in the footer.
We understand the sensitivity of “time to market”. To enable you to get market ready faster, we invest all our focus into getting your product to you quickly and efficiently. Due to this we are unable to provide any custom services as of now. All products are boxed and sold in “as is” condition.
For complaints and reporting defective items, please contact info@instockpack.com within 15 days from the date of purchase. For more information please visit our Terms of Service & Use page.
The buyer is responsible for inspecting all orders once delivered. To return, cancel, or to place a complaint, please contact us at info@instockpack.com within 15 days from the date of purchase. For more details please refer to our Terms of Service & Use page.
You can contact us via email at info@instockpack.com or fill out the Contact Us form with your questions and comments. One of our representatives will get in touch with you shortly.